Giving Thanks

The third-grade class at St. Andrew in Chicago helped us give thanks to our many, valuable sponsors by handwriting gratitude letters.  In addition, to writing 100+ letters in under an…

Colorful Scholarship Bonds

Saint Andrew School in Chicago has a well-known motto: Spirit Study Service.  Last Friday a group of students had fun adding an extra “S” to their motto.  St. Andrew students…

Care Packages and Shoes that Grow

Imagine a shoe that can grow in size along with your foot? That’s exactly what Kenton Lee, founder of The Shoe That Grows (TSTG), did and then he invented it. …

Thanks Sevenfold!

Earlier this month, we posted the news that we had seven students, who still needed to be sponsored, and that we hoped to get them covered before our visit in…

Willson is sponsored!

Congratulations Willson and thank you to the Zolna family for helping our Primary 6 student access high quality education.  Willson is 14 years old and a hard worker.  When he’s…

Ezira is sponsored!

Congratulations to Ezira and thank you to the Zolna family – Jacie, Megan, Leo and Madeline – for sponsoring our 14-year-old scholar.  Ezira loves to read and with the Zolna’…

Nazario is sponsored!

Congratulations to Nazario and thank you to the Lloyd family: Debbie, Jim and twins, Kate and Keira, for supporting our 14-year old scholar.  Nazario is completing his Primary 6 year…

Elic is sponsored!

Congratulations to Elic and thank you to his generous sponsors.  Our 14-year old scholar is completing his Primary 6 year and with this support will enjoy continuous access to high…

Florence is sponsored!

Congratulations to Florence and thank you to her generous sponsors.  With their support, our 12-year old scholar will continue to progress and learn.  Florence’s love of reading novels is just…

5th Year of Veterinary School

It’s hard to believe it’s been 13 years since Jackie entered our lives. In the beginning, she was like many of our young primary school students in the OHU program…

Archilles is sponsored!

Congratulations to Archilles and thank you to Jay, Becky and Katy D’Aprile. Our 13-year old student loves to read and play soccer.  This scholarship help will ensure Archilles, who is…

Paul is sponsored!

Congratulations to Paul and thank you to the McCue Family – Robin, Paul, Emmet and Declan – for providing Paul with the opportunity to consistently attend a high, quality school. 12-year…

2 months and 7 students to go

In two month’s time, a group of 10 supporters (3 sponsors, 3 teachers and 4 young adults) will travel to Central Uganda to visit the 100+ One Heart Uganda scholarship…

Ronald is sponsored!

Congratulations Ronald and a big thank you to Matt and Alissa Leffler and their two children, Luke and Kirby. With their support 13-year old Ronald can attend consistent, high quality…

Well beyond our imagination

The idea to build a sustainable, healthy water source for students at the ever-growing St. Charles Lwanga campus started with one of our sponsors, last spring.  The idea became a…